Here's a explanation!
Let's solve your equation step-by-step.

Step 1: Multiply both sides by x.

(Divide both sides by 4).

Take the root.

Hopefully, this helps you!!

Light is refracted when it crosses the interface from air to glass in which it moves more slowly.
Since the light speed changes at the interface, the wave length of the light must change too. The wave length decreases as the light enter the medium and the light wave changes direction.
The finding suggests that
Sheena have an implicit belief that men are stronger than women.
Implicit Association Test:
In the field of social psychology, this test is used to determine the power of a person to associate between different objects in an implicit way. For example, are colored people good or bad?
- So this test finding suggests that Sheena have an implicit belief that men are stronger than women by checking her response towards strong words.
B) All nonzero digits are significant.
Place the object in an electronic balance and measure its mass.
Place a measured amount of water in the cylinder.
Place the object in the cylinder so that it’s fully submerged.
Measure the new level of the liquid and subtract the original level. This is equal to the volume of the object.
Density = mass / volume.