1. First, move the decimal place until you have a number between 1 and 10. If you keep moving the decimal point to the right in 0.0000073 you will get 7.3.
2. Next, count how many places you moved the decimal point.
The density of Ca will be between that of Mg and Sr
Ca, Mg and Sr are group II elements. They are called alkali earth metals. The correct order of the elements in this group are: Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba and Ra.
Density is an intensive property of matter which describes the amount of matter(mass) per volume of a substance.
- Density varies proportionally with mass. The higher the mass, the higher its density.
- On the periodic table, atomic mass which the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom increases down the group.
- This implies a progradation in the value of density down the group. Therefore one expects that the value of density of Ca will fall between that of Mg and Sr. It cannot be more than 2.6g/cm³ nor less than 1.74g/cm³.
Learn more:
density brainly.com/question/2658982
mass number brainly.com/question/2597088
OCl− + H2O ⇌ HOCl + OH−
Sodium hypochlorite is a corrosive base with pH 13, that will react with water in a neutralization process to finally obtein hypochlorous acid. This acid has a great disinfectant effect in water.