Sixty-five hundred in standard form : 6,500
Further explanation
Numbers are made up of one or more digits.
In the digit system, the value of a number depends on its place, or position, in the number.
Each digit is different place value.
We can also use a place-value chart to easily see the place values for each digit, for example from Trillions,
Billions, Millions, Thousands, Ones
The place value of the digits in a number: hundred thousands, ten thousands, one thousands, hundreds, tens, ones, decimal points, tenths, hundredths, thousandths, ten thousandths, hundred thousandths
We can write numbers in word form, standard form and expanded form
Standard form it means not in expanded form
The standard form of a number can place digits from a number, separated into groups of three by commas. These groups of three digits are known as periods
For example numbers 50,654 (standard form)
in word form: fifty thousand sixty hundred fifty four
in expanded form: 50,000 + 600 + 50 + 4
So for sixty-five hundred
- in expanded form: 6000 + 500
- in word form (equal to sixty-five hundred word form) = 6 thousand and 5 hundreds
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the place value: 12,354,897
place-value patterns
Keywords: place value, digits, number, standard form, word form, expanded form