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c. Agent Lopez’s entire compensation must be recouped because Ralph disenrolled within 3 months of enrollment.
Health plans, such as Top Choice Medicare Advantage, provide a document listing all clauses relating to the plan, such as withdrawal deadlines, service agreements, reimbursement, among other things. In the case of Top Choice Medicare Advantage, there is a clause stating that the agent responsible for enrolling the client in the plan will have compensation restored if the client cancels the enrollment within 3 months. With this, we can conclude that, in relation to the case shown in the above question, Agent Lopez's full compensation must be recovered because Ralph annulled himself within the three month period.
Islands refer to group of land that is surrounded by water.
Island refer to a land which is surrounded by water. Though continents are surrounded by water , they are not refered to as island becausw an island is smaller than Continent and continent is big.
Island can be found in oceans, seas or rivers e.t.c.
Answer: "social proof" .