We should first find the velocity and acceleration functions. The velocity function is the derivative of the position function with respect to time, and the acceleration function is the derivative of the velocity function with respect to time.
Now, the angle between velocity and acceleration vectors can be found.
The angle between any two vectors can be found by scalar product of them:
At time t = 0, this equation becomes
Think of it this way:
-- Any time you have something that means (some number) PER UNIT,
it doesn't matter how many units there are on the table or in the bucket,
because that amount doesn't change the (number) PER UNIT.
-- If oranges cost $1 PER POUND, it doesn't matter how many pounds
you buy, the whole bagful is still $1 PER POUND.
-- If a certain salad dressing has 40 calories PER Tablespoon, it doesn't
matter whether you eat a drop of it or drink the whole jar. You still get
40 calories PER Tablespoon.
-- Density means '(mass) PER unit of volume'. Whether you have a tiny
chip of the substance or a whole truckload of it, there's still the same
amount of mass IN EACH unit of volume.
15.88°C I am not 100% sure this is right but I am 98% sure this IS right
A. Is very attractive. If it's sublimation directly from water vapor in the air to ice on the glass, then yes. But from liquid water mist to water ice, no. Ice is less dense than water. That's why cubes float in your soda. Better leave 'A' alone. . . . D. Ice pellets turn to liquid. That one's good.