<u>Sect </u>- a term used to describe a relatively small religious organization that has split off from a <em>denomination</em> due to small religious differences, i.e. Jehovah's witness.
<u>Denomination</u> (which a sect splits off from) is a well-established religious orgaization in which a large part of the population are members, i.e. Judaism, Catholicism.
Answer: D
The significance of these omens lies in what the Aztecs chose to do with this information; that is, namely, to ignore it in favor of fighting.
The answer is E and C. Hope this helps
The poverty line is the smallest amount of money, a person or a family needs to live on; to buy what is needed and is a line which is a gulf between the rich and the poor.
The Census Bureau determines poverty status by using an official poverty measure (OPM) that compares pre - tax cash income against a threshold that is set at three times the cost of a minimum food diet in 1963 and adjusted for family size.