There are many effects of radiation to the human body. (if you watch the 100, you'll see what happens)
Exposure to very high levels of radiation, such as being close to an atomic blast, can cause acute health effects such as
1. weakness
a/ fatigue,
b/ fainting,
c/ confusion.
2.Bleeding from the nose,
a/ mouth,
b/ gums,
c/ rectum
3. Bruising,
a/ skin burns,
b/ open sores on the skin,
c/ sloughing of skin.
4. Dehydration.
5. Diarrhea, bloody stool.
6. Fever.
7. Hair loss.
8. Inflammation of ex
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significado es veneno o toxina. Se trata de una entidad biológica que cuenta con la capacidad de autorreplicarse al utilizar la maquinaria celular. Un virus está formado por una cápside de proteínas que envuelve al ácido nucleico (ADN o ARN).