Dr. Uchida is a clinical psychologist who is curious about how people deal with natural disasters (e.g., hurricanes, tornados, e
arthquakes). His previous research suggests that there is a relationship between how much people feel their emotional well-being was affected by the natural disaster and their likelihood of developing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. However, he is curious as to whether the effect of emotional well-being goes through another variable, that of social support. He conducts a study in which he asks 174 men and women affected by the 2011 tsunami in Japan to report on how their well-being was affected by the tsunami, the social support felt after the storm, and the number of PTSD symptoms. Dr. Uchida finds support for his proposed relationship. However, in examining his data more closely, he finds that the relationship between emotional well-being and PTSD symptoms is stronger for men than for women. Which of the following is the mediating variable in Dr. Uchida’s hypothesis?
a. Emotional well-beingb. PTSD symptomsc. Social supportd. Participant sex