The Motor is an electric device which converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. The generator is vice versa of that motor. It converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.
El dolor en la articulación metatarsofalángica se debe a cambios tisulares debidos a una biomecánica aberrante del pie. Los signos y síntomas incluyen dolor al caminar y dolor a la presión. El diagnóstico es clínico; sin embargo, deben realizarse estudios para excluir infecciones o enfermedades reumáticas sistémicas (como la artritis reumatoidea). El tratamiento incluye ortesis, a veces inyección local, y en ocasiones cirugía.
The question is somehow not correct, it suppose to be what is the MASS of an object that needs a force 4500N to accelerate it at a rate of 5 m/s as gotten from another website.
The correct answer is 900kg.
To get the mass of the object use the formula
Where F is force
M is mass
a is acceleration.
F= 4500, M=? a=5m/s
4500= M× 5
Mass is in kg
I'm not quitte sure what you mean? Is it a multiple choice question?
The cerebral cortex refers to the outer layer of the brain. This layer is formed by a thin film of nervous tissue that surrounds the surface of the cerebral hemispheres, with primates having a much more developed cerebral cortex than other animals.
the cerebral cortex is a thin layer of neurons and neuronal connections which is embedded in the neocortex(the neuronal cells of the cerebral cortex which form in the deep layer), it is not homogeneous, since it is made up of six layers of cells, each with specific and specific functions.