Answer: The correct answer is option E
Sodium/potassium pump is a mechanism that involves the movement of sodium ions (Na+) out of a cell and potassium ions (K+) into a cell, thereby regulating concentration of ions on both sides of a typical cell membrane.
In this situation, the sodium-potassium pump is usually helps in the establishment of the resting potential. The potassium voltage channels normally closes before the membrane potential is brought to a resting level.
In summary, sodium/potassium pump helps to maintain a balance in the system.
For example: Sodium oxide and Nitric acid; both compounds contain oxygen.
The exothermic process is a process or reaction that involves a release of energy from the system to its surroundings in various forms usually through heat, light, electricity or sound. In the four given choices, when melting a copper, you try to immerse the metal in heaping coals of fire. The metal will absorb the thermal energy coming from the coal, thus, once you retrieve the metal back, light will be emitted from it as well as heat.
Therefore, the answer is B. MELTING OF COPPER
Since liquid CO2 cannot exist at pressures lower than 5.11 atm, the triple point is defined as 56.6 °C and 5.11 atm.
Are CO2 liquids explosive?
Although it can impair judgement at high doses, carbon dioxide is neither poisonous nor combustible. Asphyxiation is typically seen as the primary risk associated with CO2. The Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion, however, is a serious risk connected to compressed CO2 (BLEVE)
What PSI does CO2 turn into liquid at?
Only at pressures more than 5.1 atm does liquid carbon dioxide form; the triple point of carbon dioxide is approximately 518 kPa at 56.6 °C. Depending on the pressure, the liquid's boiling point ranges from -70°F to +88°F. The expansion ratio when vaporised at 60°F is 535:1. CO2 is a gas or liquid.
Toknw more about Liquid CO2 visit: