The Second Law of Thermodynamics poses an insurmountable problem for ... More time will make things worse for the Darwinist, not better. ... error fail-safe and proof-reading devices utilized for quality control, assembly ... No one really supports the idea that the sun + non life = life
Reaction is already balanced
The equation in reaction 1 is given as;
CH3COOH + NaHCO3 --> CO2 + H2O + Na+ + CH3COO-
The reaction is already balanced. This is because the umber of atoms of elements in the reactant is equal to that of the products
Reactant = 2 + 1 = 3
Product = 2 + 2 = 3
Reactant = 3 + 1 + 1 = 5
Product = 2 + 3 = 5
Reactant = 2 + 3 = 5
Product = 2 +1 + 2 = 5
Reactant = 1
Product = 1
Use one of your experimentally determined values of k, the activation energy you determined, and the Arrhenius equation to calculate the value of the rate constant at 25 °C. Alternatively, you can simply extrapolate the straight line plot of ln(k) vs. 1/T in your notebook to 1/298 , read off the value of ln(k), and determine the value of k. Please put your answer in scientific notation. slope=-12070, Ea=100kJ/mol, k= 0.000717(45C), 0.00284(55C), 0.00492(65C), 0.0165(75C), 0.0396(85C)
According to Arrhenius equation:
i.e. ln(k2/k1) = -Ea/R (1/T2 - 1/T1)
Where, k1 = 0.000717, T1 = 45 oC = (45+273) K = 318 K
T2 = 25 oC = (25 + 273) K = 298 K
i.e. ln(k2/0.000717) = -12070 (1/298 - 1/318)
i.e. ln(k2/0.000717) = -2.54738
i.e. k2/0.000717 = 
= 0.078286
Therefore, the required constant (k2) = 0.078286 * 0.000717 = 
Balanced chemical equation:
NO₂ + NO₃ → N₂O₅
Chemical equation:
NO₂ + NO₃ → N₂O₅
Balanced chemical equation:
NO₂ + NO₃ → N₂O₅
Nitrogen trioxide gas combine with nitrogen dioxide gas and form nitrogen pentoxide.
This is the simple synthesis reaction in which two substance combine to form a new substance.
Synthesis reaction:
It is the reaction in which two or more simple substance react to give one or more complex product.
General chemical equation:
A + B → AB
A and B are reactants that combine to form AB product.