9 numbers have one digit (1-9)
900 have three digits (100-999)
90000 have five digits (10000-99999)
Clearly the 1000th positive integer with an odd number of digits will have five digits. Since there are 909 integers with up to three digits, the 91st integer in the third range will be the one you want. That number is 10090.
Since x is the days And y is the entries And there are 8entries already the equation should be y=x+8
mdmfnndhhdhdnd brnrnhruh hehrbfb hfnfnfbj bdnbdhdh hxhhn ndnnjnxnamkdjjfjfjjdjz hzjsuklshhwhhhèushhhhhdhhhshdùunvcn n nn nn nn n b ncjjnndnhshsb bsbbdnnnns nndnfnkkdgdhp1 gyduia
D. The small p value and the small effect size suggest that the observed difference between the drug placebo groups are likely to be due to sampling error. This study should be replicated with a larger sample size.
Step-by-step explanation:
The p value is determined for any test before making a conclusion. If the p-value is smaller than critical value then we reject the null hypothesis which means that drug is not effective for the reducing depression. A very small p-value usually lesser than 0.05 indicates strong evidence against the null hypothesis.