
What is the humidity if the dry-bulb is 10℃ and the wet-bulb is 6℃?
<h2><u>33% According to the Graph</u></h2>
Hope this helps!
Now I can actually edit my answer directly: I'm fairly sure I've got this wrong, and my mind has gone blank for how to do it, if someone could delete this that would be great and I'll think about it and see if I can figure it out!
Many types of scientific equipment are used to perform different functions in the science lab. Which of the following combinations of equipment would be needed to bring one liter of water to 85°C? a. ... Various pieces of safety equipment are used in the lab to provide protection against injury.
Juan lives a hundred miles away from Bill then the average speed that he reaches Bill's Home in 50 seconds means that Juan lives 50 seconds away from bill because 50 + 50 seconds equals 100 seconds so Juansorry my bad Juan lives 50 miles away from Belle but he probably how I must have run to get to bill in 50 seconds .
It is known that relation between torque and angular acceleration is as follows.

and, I = 
= 4 

= 1 

Thus, we can conclude that the new rotation is
times that of the first rotation rate.