The simplest kinetic model is based on the assumptions that: (1) the gas is composed of a large number of identical molecules moving in random directions, separated by distances that are large compared with their size; (2) the molecules undergo perfectly elastic collisions (no energy loss) with each other and with the ...
This question deals with the law of conservation of momentum, which basically says that the total momentum in a system must stay the same, provided there are no outside forces. Since you were given the mass and velocity of the two objects you can find the momentum (p=mv) of each and then add them together to find the total momentum of the system before they collide. This total momentum must be the same after they collide. Since you have the mass and velocity of one of the objects after the collision you can find the its momentum after. Subtract this from the the system total and you will have the momentum of the other object after the collision. Now that you know the momentum of the other object you can find its velocity using p=mv and its mass from before.
Be careful with the velocities. They are vectors, so direction matters. Typically moving to the right is positive (+) and moving to the left is negative (-). It is not clear from your question which direction the objects are moving before and after the collision.
We will either convert the distance to centimeters or speed to meters/second.
Converting distance to centimeters: 100 meters= 100*100centimeters =10000centimeters.
t=10000/5=2000 years
Decrease the time since power is energy divide by time so decreasing the time will increase the power