Answer :
<u>Oxidation </u>is the loss of electrons.
<u>Reduction </u>is the gain of electrons.
The compound that became reduced acts as the <u>oxidizing </u>agent.
The compound that became oxidized acts as the <u>reducing </u>agent.
The measure of a compounds likeliness to gain or lose an electron is its <u>electrochemical potential</u> (E value).
A common electron carrier we will use a lot in this class is <u>NAD⁺</u> when it is in the oxidized state and <u>NADH </u>when it is in the reduced state.
Explanation :
Redox reaction or Oxidation-reduction reaction : It is defined as the reaction in which the oxidation and reduction reaction takes place simultaneously.
Oxidation reaction : It is defined as the reaction in which a substance looses its electrons. In this, oxidation state of an element increases. Or we can say that in oxidation, the loss of electrons takes place.
Reduction reaction : It is defined as the reaction in which a substance gains electrons. In this, oxidation state of an element decreases. Or we can say that in reduction, the gain of electrons takes place.
Reducing agent : It is defined as the agent which helps the other substance to reduce and itself gets oxidized.
Oxidizing agent : It is defined as the agent which helps the other substance to oxidize and itself gets reduced.
Electrochemical potential : It is defined as the measurement of the potential difference between two half cells.
Electron carrier : The molecules that are capable of accepting 1 or 2 electrons from one molecule and donating to another molecule in the process of electron transport.
There are two important electron carriers:
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD⁺ in its oxidized form and NADH in its reduced form).
Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)