Mars and Moon are the locations from which meteorites would come.
Option (c);
- The meteorites found on Earth look like martian crystal rocks.
- These might be first ejected into space during a collision of an asteroidal object with Moon or Mars and then it got into the Earth orbit because of the force produced during the collision.
- There are around seventy meteorites recognised to have come from the planet Mars till up to the present date.
- There are three types of meteorites such as Martian meteorites and a sample of two lunar meteorites.
- To identify the origin of the meteorite, the scientist tries to identify the type of rock followed by analysing the chemical composition and then try to identify its age.
-DNA is double stranded,RNA is one stranded
-DNA contains the following nitrogenous bases:Adeninde Guanine Timine Citozine while RNA contains Adeninde Guanine Citozine and Uracil
-DNA function is to contain the information for manufacturing proteins while there are many types of RNA with whole different jobs for example:messanger RNA(mRNA) it coppies a sequence from the DNA strand and takes it to the ribosome in order to be translated as the order for placing aminoacids in the polypeptide strand;transport RNA(tRNA) it is a short RNA strand containing up to 100 nucleotides it takes aminoacids to the ribosome so the polypeptides strand can start to be manufatured from aminoacids in an order inscripted in the mRNA.
D. Limit further logging and clearcutting of pine trees.
Electrons in photosystem I are energized by electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of about 690 nanometers(colour red). These electrons are received from plastocyanin to then be passed on to NADP to form NADPH+.