First, It's important to remember F = ma, and in this problem m = 13.3 kg
This can be reduced to a simple system of equations problem. Now if they are both going the same way then we add them, while if they are going the opposite way we subtract them. So let's call them F1 and F2, with F1 arger than F2. Now, When we add them together F1+F2 = (.723 m/s^2)*13.3kg and then when we subtract them, and have the larger one pushing toward the east, let's call F1 the larger one, F1-F2 = (.493 m/s^2)*13.3kg.
Can you solve this system of equations seeing them like this, or do you need more help?
The answers A, this is because Ice is originally water and when water goes below it's freezing point it turns into ice
The anomalous expansion of water is an abnormal property of water whereby it expands instead of contracting when the temperature goes from 4°C to 0°C, and it becomes less dense. The density becomes less and less as it freezes because molecules of water normally form open crystal structures when in solid form.