This process naturally occurs in the environment, where it is carried out by specialized bacteria.
A watering the plant. Plants wilt or droop when there’s not enough water because it helps reduce the amount of a surface area
<em>Green</em><em> </em><em>vitriol</em><em>-</em><em> </em><em>FeSO4·7H2O</em>
<em>white</em><em> </em><em>vitriol</em><em>-</em><em> </em><em>ZnSO₄</em>
Excited state of an electron is the state attained by an electron after it has absorbed energy and it moves further from the nucleus.
an electron is at higher energy when excited and at lower energy when at ground state.
an excited electron is less stable due to the decrease in the nuclear force of attraction and the grounded electron is more stable due to it's close distance to the nucleus.
the copper would melt at the same temperature no matter how much quantity there is so 1085