Potential Energy
Potential energy is the energy stored in an object due to it's position relative to some zero position. An object possesses gravitational potential energy if it is positioned at a height above (or below) the zero height.
1 - Skull
2 - Mandible
3 - Scapula
4 - Sternum
5 - Ulna
6 - Radius
7 - Pelvis
8 - Femur
9 - Patella
10 - Tibia
11 - Fibula
12 - Metatarsals
13 - Clavicle
14 - Ribs (rib cage)
15 - Humerus
16 - Spinal column
17 - Carpals
18 - Metacarpals
19 - Phalanges
20 - Tarsals
21 - Phalanges
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Calcium chloride in an ionic compound. The calcium atom loses two electrons, and each chlorine atom gains one electron, to form a full outer shell of electrons.