we all know that deforestation is when tress are cut down but this may cause cardio dioxide to go up into the atmosphere and this may cause the rise in sea level and temperates tend to fluctuate
I'm just that smart yah dig
Rate at which current flows is measured in amperes
The rate of flow of electrons constitutes the current. The electrons flow from lower electric potential to higher electric potential. When there is no potential difference then no electron will flow. The direction of the current and the electron are in opposite direction.
The direction of electron from the negative terminal to the positive terminal. The direction of current is from the positive terminal to the negative terminal.The current is measured in ampere.
The expression for current and the charge is as;
Here, q is the charge, t is the time taken and I is the current.
According to the given problem, Jodi made a list about electric current to help her study for a test. He described that electrons move from areas of low to high electric potential, voltage causes current to flow and movement of electrons is continuous in a current.
But he did error. It should be "rate at which charges flow" instead of rate at which current flow.
Therefore, the option (4) is correct.
Keplers laws states that planets sweep areas in equal times is second
Frequency is <u>the number of waves</u> that move past a point during a specific amount of time. Frequency is measured in <u>Hertz</u>, and is classified as high, medium, or low. Frequency is interpreted as the <u>pitch</u> of a sound. Intensity refers to the <u>loudness</u> of a sound and is measured in <u>decibels</u>. Louder sounds <u>increase</u> the rate of nerve signals relayed to the brain.