The answer is a power vacuum within the Holy Roman Emperor
he believes that religion is a permanent necessary and inevitable part of human life.
When Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man, this case a big issue. When she did not follow the orders she was later arrested. News soon spred about Rosa Park's arrest.
Martin Luther King Jr. came later and helped to orginize the Mintgomery Bus Boycott. For over a year a lot of African Americans walked everywhere instead of taking the bus. Later the bus drives would be forced to intograte their bus.
Income Tax...............
Waren and Marshall hypothesis states that bismuth kills bacteria, thereby<span>healing gastritis and preventing ulcer relapse.</span>The Colloidal Bismuth Subcitrate (CBS) experiment provides evidence supporting Warren and Marshall's hypothesis because it showed that ulcer patients treated withbismuth had a substantially lower relapse rate than those treated with Tagamet.