Yields an ether either with one step reaction or may undergo a bimolecular reaction
Here the substitution reactions of alkyl halides: explores two mechanisms.
Step 1:
The reaction takes place in a single step- direction, bond-breaking and bond-forming occur simultaneously this is a dissociative and produces carbonation. SN1 Reaction
Step 2: bimolecular reaction and it is stereoselective. SN2
Note: As a rule, nucleophilic substitutions occur at sp3-hybridized carbons, and not where the leaving group is attached to an sp2-hybridized carbon.
Bonds on sp2-hybridized carbons are inherently shorter and stronger than bonds on sp3 - hybridized carbons, meaning that it is harder to break the C-X (Halide) bond in these substrates.
Where as SN2 reactions of this type are unlikely also because the (hypothetical) electrophilic carbon is protected from nucleophilic attack by electron density in the p bond.
SN1 reactions are highly unlikely, because the resulting carbocation intermediate, which would be sp-hybridized, would be very unstable .
So this above births the expression theoretical yield. Here is a question and the reactions.