I thinks its a layer of soil with characteristic properties, sorry if its wrong I'm a beginner
In flowering plants, the male reproductive part or stamen is made up of a stack-like structure, known as filament and an ovule-like structure, known as anther. In anthers, microsporangia are present that produce pollen through mitosis.
Thus, 'if anthers are removed from a flower, it will not be able to form seeds as seeds are developed from zygote, that forms by the fusion of male gamete (pollen) and female gamete (ovum).'
You are missing part of the question but color blindness it less likely to be found in female because it is a sex trait that lies on the x gene while also being submissive trait sry I forgot the word. Guys only have one x gene meaning they are much more likely to get it
The endometrium is the inner lining. The myometrium is the thick middle muscle. The serosa is the outer smooth layer.
There are six aorganells in an animal cell. The Nucleus, Ribosomes, Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, Chloroplasts and the Mitochondria.