On Oceania's low islands, Rain is typically the only source of freshwater. Oceania includes all of Micronesia, Fiji, and all of Polynesia except the New Zealand. Oceania is often used to describe the regions encompassing the Australian continent and various islands in the Pacific Ocean that are not included in the seven-continent model.
Yes, Bubbles can be a sphere, ellipsoid or a hemisphere.
The first thing to do is activate
EMS. Use cool or cold water to cool the burn for 10 minutes as soon as
possible. ( Do not use ice or frozen compress.) Early cooling will minimize the
depth of injury and decrease pain. Remove jewelry near the affected area. Cover
the injury with dry, clean pad loosely
to protect it. Do not give food or drink to injured person. Keep him comfortable
until EMS arrives and takes over.
I think the correct answer from the choices listed above is option B. You can find methanogens in the human intestines. These organisms can work with or without oxygen. Too much of oxygen for them is toxic. They are obligate anaerobes.
5. Mitochondria and u didn’t finish writing number 6 sorry also can u plz help me on my questions too!