protein is related to DNA because, DNA is what carries the information to expand/rose up the other cell with up to thousands of cell.
DNA carries the genetic information of a cell and consists of thousands of genes. Each gene serves as a recipe on how to build a protein molecule. Proteins perform important tasks for the cell functions or serve as building blocks.
hopes this helps and have a good day! :)
I believe it is carbohydrates
Apples because it’s a fruit.
Chicken because it’s lean meat.
Salad because it’s fresh greens.
Carrot because it’s a vegetable.
Water because it has 0 calories.
Ending it all will just make it worse for the people around you. You cant let yourself sit in all this pain and you have to learn to control it and use it to be helpful towards yourself. Wheny you get sad work out or go for a run. Force yourself to do this. Talk to your mom about the benifits of having a girfriend and if it made you happy tell her that. I dont know exeaclty why she did that because there are always 2 sides to a story. Even though you feel like ending it all dont because when you get older you can look back at this and see your growth.