Answer: When the city/county/state/region declares a drought and stops the use of water on lawns, the green stuff dies.The guy with the drought resistant set up will hardly notice any difference in the look of his yard.
The predator is a type of animal or bird species which kill other animals to obtain its food. The prey is the animal which is killed by the predator. According to the given situation, if the predator species A is eliminated, the population of the predator B will likely increase because there will be no competition between the two species for the same prey. And the chances of predator B obtaining the prey will increase. Hence, the population will increase.
C) They are part of a community
A community represents the sum total of populations of different species present together in an area or ecosystem. In a community, the organisms of these different species may benefit or harm each other and exhibit little or more interdependence. In the given example, beer, insects, ants, chipmunks represent the organisms of different species that are present together in a habitat. They interact with each other in various ways. For instance, the bear is a predator of insects.
It looks like a black praying mantis...