Smoking, drinking, overeating, starving yourself
Interacting with Other Systems. The digestive system works very closely with the circulatory system to get the absorbed nutrients distributed through your body. The circulatory system also carries chemical signals from your endocrine system that control the speed of digestion.
All I Know is that society pays almost everything like hospital bills, house bills and gives them some money to help themselves
Responses may vary from person to person. The steps are as follows: After testing positive for an STI, one should seek out medical treatment as soon as possible. After the patient has completed a full course of medications, they should then continue to take follow up tests regularly. It is important to remain abstinent, avoiding all sexual activity while you are receiving treatment. While at the end of the list, it is no less important to contact and notify all past sexual partners and suggest that they may get tested as well. Hope this helps.