The answer would be C. Gamma Rays and High Frequency EM waves travel at the speed of light and are transverse waves.
The equation for the object's displacement is 
m = 16 lb
δ = 3 in
The stiffness is:

The angular speed is:

The damping force is:

FD = 20 lb
u = 4 ft/s = 48 in/s

The critical damping is equal:

Like cc>c the system is undamped
The equilibrium expression is:

A non-example of force would be something that stay sill like a balloon in the air..... taste, smell, feel, texture, color, opinion, faith, hope, sincerity, honest, speed, momentum, altitude, volume, loudness, area, length, acidity, obesity, nationalism, current, resistance, viscosity, wavelength, flow, rate, frequency, albedo, diameter, age, temperature, acceleration, body mass index, salinity, specific, specific gravity, consciousness, intelligence, refraction index, mass, time, date rate, switching speed, libido, focal length, and latency are not force. And even there are many other things that also are not force, too.