1st factor is:Cornified layers:loss of water in the cell in the layer of dying cells
2nd factor is infusion of keratin its a dense protein that hardens the skin cell to aid in producing a barrier against the outside world
Can be a number of things, rain fall quota, climate, population, vegetation..any of those.
1. Yes
2. No
3. Yes
Yes, the elimination of the animal based foods decreases and reduce chronic diseases in many developed countries such as US and England etc. but meat is also very necessary for animal diet due to the presence of high protein content.
No, USDA does not promote the intake of an animal-based diet. this agency promote the intake of nutritious food in a limited amount so it does not cause any disease. They recommend the eating of Grains, Fruits, Protein, Foods, Vegetables and Dairy products in a limited amount.
Yes, the main cause of obesity in Americans is due to two reasons, first cause is the intake of meat in large amount and second cause is the decline in physical activity.
The success of the patients was due to combined effect of increased amount of fruits/vegetables and plants and the elimination of meats. By using these two element the patient will quickly recovered.
resultant force, force, acceleration, physics, and rotation