Ponyboy from the book “The Outsiders” by S.E. Hinton, is a dynamic character, because he changes throughout the story. Ponyboy goes from being innocent, to losing his innocence, then getting it back again, that is how Ponyboy is a dynamic character. In chapter 4, this is where Ponyboy loses all of his innocence
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to express his/her own views. is what I'd say.
Loktanta is a system that effects directly or indirectly to all the public.Many say loktantra is important ,some say it is not good for poor and underdeveloped country like Nepal .
The two cardinal features of democracy are:
1.Representative Government.
2.Free, fair and regular elections.
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Pontius Pilate is believed to have hailed from the Samnium region of central Italy. Pontius Pilate served as the prefect of Judaea from 26 to 36 A.D. He convicted Jesus of treason and declared that Jesus thought himself King of the Jews, and had Jesus crucified.