The Cholula Pyramid in Mexico has a height approximately ퟐퟏퟕfeet and a base approximately ퟏퟒퟕퟔfeet by ퟏퟒퟕퟔfeet. The Cheops Pyram
id (part of the Great Pyramids) is taller with an approximate height of ퟒퟖퟎfeet but with a ퟕퟓퟓfeet by ퟕퟓퟓfeet base. Determine which pyramid has the most volume
If the bird starts 37 feet above the ocean and dives from its position to 7 feet below the ocean, the you just add the two numbers and get its total dive.
To draw it draw a graph that goes past to +37 and past -7, then draw a bar representing the birds dive from +37 to -7. The X axis would be time, and the Y axis is the bird's height relative to the surface of the water.