A. represents suspected law breakers in court. District attorneys help prevent people from havign a red mark on their records.
Imageless thought
Imageless thoughts in literal terms means thinking without sensory content or imaging aid. Structuralism has been critiqued for its emphasis on using introspection to better understand conscious experience. Wurzburg School supported that there was a sense of imageless thought based on introspective reports, with an example of participants in a study who had the ability to name fruits without seeing an image of it.
One of the strategies to reduce uncertainty in online relationship is extractive information seeking. This strategy involves aaking questions that will help you know more about the other party in the relationship. This way, you will get to know more about the other person, therefore, reducing uncertainty.
Election is the way to select your favorite candidate which will represent the people of the community and describe views, needs and demands of the community to the central powers in the government.
Election affects the communities in so many ways. Election brings democracy in the country. It gives people the power to stand for their rights. Election can build better institutions. Better governance can come as a result of the selection of a better candidate in the election. Economy can get better as a result of the good governance and thus growth can be seen in the economy. Overall conditions of the people get better.
c.has monopoly power.
Panamint Springs has monopoly power, this means that being the last gas station on the root, they have control over price. Most vehicles will have no choice but to buy gas at whatever price the seller fixes.