Using the Universal Gratitation Law, we have:
Again applying the formula in the new situation, comes:
Number 4If you notice any mistake in my english, please let me know, because i am not native.
Calculate using the formula
velocity= displacement (m)/time(s)
1 mile =1.6km
100 times
Since inertia is directly proportional to the mass of an object, the higher the mass the higher the inertia. In this case, 6 Kg is 100 times heavier than 0.06 Kg to imply The bowling ball has 100 times more inertia than the tennis ball because it has 100 times more mass
Option C
Both technicians are correct
HVAC persists for Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning. Its design in a vehicle is to cleanse, cool, flame, control, and dehumidify the air accessing the cabin, depending on the inputs of the operator as thoroughly as electronic sensors. Various systems will practice diverse ways of regulating airflow into the cabin but all act on identical basic principles.
The automatic systems are electric systems that want different inputs from sensors that intimate climate circumstances to obtain the aspired temperature. Vacuum actuators and/or electric motors control the air doors/valves in these systems.