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The correct answer would be Cognitive Map.
Tabetha has a mental picture of the layout of her house, also called a Cognitive Map, so when she comes home late at night, she can navigate through the rooms without turning the lights on.
Cognitive Mapping is a concept which was introduced by Edward Tolman in 1948. In simple words, cognitive mapping is the mental representation on ones physical environment or space.
In technical terms, a cognitive map is a mental representation of an individual in which he acquires, codes, stores and recalls and decodes the information about a certain location in everyday environment.
So when Tabetha navigates through her house without turning on the lights, she actually has a cognitive map in her mind.
Answer: Legal- rational Leadership style
The rational-legal style also known as transactional leadership is when a leader exercises control and authority on the basis of his knowledge to his subordinates.
Transactional leader is someone who values order and structure based on rules and regulations to complete task on time. Transactional leaders do not encourage personal creativity and innovative ideas because They depend on people who work well in a structured, directed environment ruled by influence and control.
Their main focus is on RESULTS, conformity to the existing structure of an organization and measures success based on the organization’s system of rewards and penalties. This type of leader is responsible for maintaining routine by managing and monitoring individual and group performance.
This type of leader sets the criteria for their workers according to existing defined requirements. Performance reviews are the most common way to judge employee performance.
Transactional leaders differ from other leaders like the charismatic and transformational leaders in that it is only results oriented.
In a nut shell, the legal rational Leadership style focuses on the give and take style based on controlling the performance of the individual and determining how well he or she can deliver in a structured environment.
We can then infer that the boss follows the legal-rational leadership style.
Buddhism and Hinduism both have their origins in India and Lord Buddha, the prophet of Buddhism, hailed from a Hindu family. In fact, Hindus even consider Lord Buddha to be a part of ‘dasavatar’ or ten reincarnations of Lord Vishnu. However, there are quite a few fundamental differences between both the religions.
Hinduism strongly believes in ‘Atman’ the soul and ‘Brahman’ the eternity of self. As per Buddhism, there is no concept of the self or I and salvation involved in realizing this concept.
Hindus worship several gods and goddesses. While Buddha did not deny the existence of any god, he preached that it is futile to search or seek something which an individual is not even aware of.