Well when you convert fractions to decimals, you simply divide the numerator by the dominator.
To convert decimals to percents, you take the fraction and divide the numerator by the dominator and times that by 100.
For example, 4/25*100=16%
1. In a week there are 7 days. So your andwer would be 21/10. The decimal is 2.1.
1st odd = 57
2nd odd = 59
3rd odd = 61
Step-by-step explanation:
Suppose the numbers to be:
1st odd = x -2
2nd odd = x
3rd odd = x +2
Now according to given conditions:
1st odd + 2nd odd + 3rd odd = 177
x - 2 + x +x + 2 = 177
By add -2 and + 2 will be cancelled
Adding all x
3x = 177
Dividing both sides by 3 we get
x = 177 / 3
x = 59
Now putting x = 59 to get three consecutive odds:
1st odd = x -2 = 59 - 2 = 57
2nd odd = x = 59
3rd odd = x +2 = 59 + 2 = 61
1st odd + 2nd odd + 3rd odd = 177
57 + 59 + 61 = 177
177 = 177
hence proved
I hope it will help you!
I don't know because of the denomination at the end