Kapilari lebih kecil dan paling banyak saluran darah, mereka membentuk sambungan antara vesel yang membawa darah dari pendengaran (arteri) dan vesel yang mengembalikan darah ke jantung (urat)
Fungsi utama kapilari ialah pertukaran bahan antara sel darah dan tisu.
Veins membawa darah ke arah jantung; selepas ia melewati kapilari dan masuk melalui urat terkecil (venules).
Arteri membawa darah dari jantung; arteri sistemik mengangkut darah oksigen dari ventrikel kiri ke tisu badan.
(translated version)
Why blood capillary walls differ from veins and arteries
Capillaries are smaller and the most numerous of the blood vessels, they form the connection between the vessels that carry blood away from the hear (arteries) and the vessels that return the blood to the heart (veins)
The primary function of the capillaries is the exchange of materials between the blood and tissue cells.
Veins carries the blood towards the heart; after it passes through the capillaries and enters through the smallest veins (venules).
Arteries carries blood away from the heart; systemic arteries transport oxygenated blood from the left ventricle to the body tissues.
0.125 g=(0.125 g)(1000 mg/1g)=125 mg.
Then, we need 125 mg of ampicillin.
5 ml of liquid suspension contains 250 mg of ampicilling , therefore:
5 ml----------------250 mg of ampicilling
x--------------------125 mg of ampicilling
x=(5 ml * 125 mg of ampicilling) / 250 mg of ampicilling=2.5 ml
Answer: we require 2.5 ml
Fossil fuel is nonrenewable, whereas hydro, wind, solar, and wave power are generally ... depletes its fuel stock but at a relatively slow rate, and geothermal energy (Williamson, ... Future primary energy sources (e.g. nuclear, coal and solar) are primarily ... b. Distributed peak electrical generation, •. c. Distributed electricity ...