is likely to come from collaborative efforts by technology experts and experts on pollution.
Where SiO2 has strong covalent bonds between molecules, SO3 only has weak van der waals intermolecular forces holding its molecules together. Since covalent bonds require more energy to overcome than van der waals, SiO2 requires a higher temperature than SO3 to melt, thus SiO2 has a higher melting point.
Answer:Hope this helps!
You can use a flame test to help identify the composition of a sample. The test is used to identify metal ions (and certain other ions) based on the characteristic emission spectrum of the elements. The test is performed by dipping a wire or wooden splint into a sample solution or coating it with the powdered metal salt. The color of a gas flame is observed as the sample is heated. If a wooden splint is used, it's necessary to wave the sample through the flame to avoid setting the wood on fire. The color of the flame is compared against the flame colors known to be associated with the metals.
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