<span>Actually the second law of thermodynamics would truly gets violated ie, which means that the entrophy changes of the isolated system can never be negative, which covers the above that if heat were to spontaneously flow between any two objects of equal temperature would be fully violated.</span>
1. strong nuclear force
2. electromagnetic force/ electric force
The more protons an element has, the harder it is to bring nuclei together. It takes more energy to trigger fusion in iron and other heavy elements. Lighter elements, such as helium and hydrogen, require less energy to bring about fusion. The sun, for instance, spends most of its life converting hydrogen into helium.
-The strong nuclear force depends on; a more massive the object is the more attractive the force produced and also as distance between objects increases, attractive force decreases at a faster rate.
Oil is less dense than water so it tends to float on the top of the water. Hope this Helps!
Aw don’t say that! I’m sure your beautiful:)