Covalent bond is the term that is being used to describe the bonds in the compounds that are created due to the sharing of one or more electrons. One of the best example of the simplest covalent bond is the bond that is being created when two isolated hydrogen atoms come together to form an H2 molecule. An isolated hydrogen atom has one proton and electron being combined by the force of attraction from the opposite-charged articles. When a pair of isolated hydrogen atom combines, two forces of attraction are created coming from each of the isolated hydrogen atom.
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For the equation to balance out, you would need 2 H2O on the product. That will give a total of 1 Carbon, 4 Hydrogens and 4 Oxygens on each side.
How many grams Carbon in 1 moles? The answer is 12.0107.
<span>We assume you are converting between </span>grams Carbon<span> and </span>mole.
You can view more details on each measurement unit:
molecular weight of Carbon<span> or </span>moles
<span>The molecular formula for Carbon is </span>C.
<span>The SI base unit for </span>amount of substance<span> is the mole.</span>
1 grams Carbon is equal to 0.0832590939745 mole.
Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results.
Use this page to learn how to convert between grams Carbon and mole.
<span>Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units!