The answer is; Irregular.
b. a large elliptical galaxy
In elliptical galaxies the stars are grouped in an elliptical shape, it has a low quantity of gas and dust in comparison to spiral galaxies, and its stars belong to an old population, there is not new stellar formation in it.
The stars orbit in a messy way which made to believe that they form from the merger of galaxies.
They are also really massive (around
solar masses).
The most massive and luminous can be found in the center of cluster of galaxies.
It distinguishes between the fermions, which are particles of matter, and the bosons, which carry forces. The matter particles include six quarks and six leptons. The six quarks are called the up, down, charm, strange, top and bottom quark. ... All of these matter particles fall into three “generations.”
Distingue entre los fermiones, que son partículas de materia, y los bosones, que transportan fuerzas. Las partículas de materia incluyen seis quarks y seis leptones. Los seis quarks se denominan quark arriba, abajo, encanto, extraño, superior e inferior. ... Todas estas partículas de materia se dividen en tres "generaciones".
Work = (force) x (distance)
40,000 J = (20 N) x (distance)
Distance = (40,000 J) / (20 N)
= 2,000 meters
= 2 kilometers.
(20 N is not a huge force when it's being used to move a car.
It's only about 4.5 pounds.)
Middle childhood
<em>Middle childhood happens around ages 6 to 12,</em> is a stage in the human development characterized by the steady rate of physical growth of the individual in contrast with the fast rate of emotional, cognitive and emotional development that will prepare them for future stages (adolescence and adulthood).
I hope you find this information useful and interesting! Good luck!