PH (potential of hydrogen) is a numeric scale that is used to show the acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution. It tells how acidic or alkaline a substance is . The pH values ranges from 0 to 14, such that acidic solutions have values between 1 to 6.9 with most acidic having a pH value of 1 and those that are basic have values from 7.1 to 14, with most acidic having a value of 14. Acidic compounds contain replaceable hydrogen ions while basic compounds contain hrdroxyl ions. In this case, a coke has a pH of 3.5 (acidic) which means that it has an excess of hydrogen ions (H+) and would be called an acid.
<h3> <em>Aluminum would be the best choice to reuse copper from the copper chloride solution because it In the aluminum–copper reaction, the chloride ions help remove the aluminum oxide coating so that a reaction can take place through the oxidation of aluminum and the reduction of copper ions.The aluminum–copper chloride reaction is a simplified version of a waste reclamation and reduction strategy for handling toxic-waste materials. </em></h3>