The K+ channel uses the energy in ATP hydrolysis to remove the hydration shell from the K+ion
All of this truly implies is that one of these bonds breaks in a hydrolysis process (a water-mediated breakdown reaction), releasing a sizable amount of energy.
The following reaction results in the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP:
The hydrolysis of ATP to ADP is reversible, like the majority of chemical processes.
Energy is needed for the reverse process, which creates ATP from ADP and Pitext P iPi start subscript, P, end subscript, start subscript, I end subscript.
Because cells frequently use (hydrolyze) ATP molecules and depend on constant production of replacement ATP, ATP regeneration is crucial1^1.
Hence the K+ channel uses the energy in ATP hydrolysis to remove the hydration shell from the K+ion
Learn more about hydrolysis here:
Explanation:in testing for oxygen a glowing splint is used.
the glowing splint is brought in the presence of the test tube containing the gas
the glowing splint rekindles or lights up showing that oxygen is present.
this is a positive test because oxygen supports burning or combustion
2S02 + O2 ---> 2SO3
<u><em>Its</em><em> </em><em>balanced</em><em> </em><em>now</em><em> </em><em>as</em><em> </em><em>Reactants</em><em> </em><em>=</em><em> </em><em>Products</em><em>.</em><em> </em></u>
False.Energy does not involve motion
1:faringe:es un conducto que permite la comunicación entre las fosas nasales (el paso del aire por la nasofaringe a la laringe) y la cavidad bucal
Laringe:es una cavidad formada por cartílagos que presenta una saliente comúnmente llamada "nuez" en la laringe se encuentra las cuerdas vocales que al vibrar con el aire produce la voz
Tráquea:es un conducto de doce centímetros de longitud,situado delante del estó tráquea brinda una vía abierta al aire que entra y sale se los pulmones