Because one reason people can have cancer is because of stress. So it is essential for doing stress management by exercising which releases endorphins or doing something that can calm your nerves. Hope I can help!
Include some oils in your diet
While some oils are bad some oils good for you as well, for example coconut oil, sunflower oil, and avacado oil are all good oils. Other oils that are not good for you are things like frying grease, and oils from saturated fat.
c. distress
Distress is an affective state that causes discomfort, a sensation of suffocation, mental suffering and even sadness. It is related to fear (irrational fear), despair and, in many cases, uncertainty. Fear of separation, overwork, bullying at school or at work or irrational and intrusive thoughts, among other situations, can cause distress.
O air-filled cavities that secrete mucus to keep the nose moist and remove bacteria.