I will explain it in order of the definitions below :)
The Warsaw Pact
NATO (North atlantic treaty organization)
Berlin Blockade
Satellite Nations
- (sorry i forgot this)
-(sorry i forgot this one too)
Use of civil disobedience to gain political freedom.
B. Dave has learned vicariously through his brother’s experience.
Operant conditioning (sometimes referred to as instrumental conditioning) is a method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behavior. Through operant conditioning, an association is made between a behavior and a consequence for that behavior.
→ she didn't want to go to school, made up an excuse and even got a prize for it (breakfast)
Primary reinforcement is a reinforcement that does not depend on previous learning (conditioning). They are generally used to meet basic needs, such as water and food. Its relationship was established based on phylogenesis.
→ she was afraid to go to school and made up an excuse
Reinforcement, or reinforcing stimulus, for behaviorism is the consequence of behavior that makes it more likely. The reinforcement can be positive (through the addition of a stimulus) or negative (through the removal of a stimulus).
He is part of the legislated and executive branch & is the second highest in state