To get the perimeter of a circle you need to use the formula 2xpix r
so 2x 3.1416 x 2= 12.56
so the third one counting from left to right
Answer is 0.124. I have to right more characters
No. It's the ratio of 1,289 to 100 .
Also, it can be written as a fraction with whole numbers
on top and bottom, like this: 1289 / 100 .
Also, it can be written down on paper completely, using
digits and a decimal point or fraction bar. (You did that.)
Any one of these three facts makes it a rational number.
The degree measure of the four add up to 360 degrees. This is actually true of any quadrilateral. Let lower case letter a,b,c and d represent the angle of trapezoid ABCD. Then a+b+c+d= 360 degreees.
Step-by-step explanation: