NAD+ act both as coenzyme as well as electron acceptor compound and get reduced to NADH by accepting electron.
NAD+ act as co enzyme of various biological catalyst such as malate dehydrogenase, isocitrate dehydrogenase etc.
NAD+ can act as co enzyme only in its oxidized form but not in its reduced form called NADH.
Many reaction needs NAD+ to occur such as conversion of glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate to 1,3 bisphosphoglycerate, malate to oxaloacetate.
That"s why NAD+/NADH ratio is kept very high because if this ratio bychance get low then it will hamper the normal redox potential of NAD+/NADH.As a result many biochemical reaction will not take place.
One result of a loss of ground water would be that the freshwater on earth is 98 percent stored in the ground, therefore we would lose 98 percent of the very little amounts of freshwater we have
<span>Enzymes are crucial contributors to protein digestion. Protein-digesting enzymes are referred to as proteinases or proteases. Protein generally takes the form of very complex molecules arranged in chains of amino acids. So the bonds binding these complex molecules together must first be broken down
I belive they are to grow, repair, and reproduce.