A) the number of electrons in the outer shells.
The Bohr's model of the atoms shows that electrons orbits the nucleus in energy levels that are discrete and quantised. Orbital electrons are pulled by the nucleus. The nuclear pull is strongest on the shells closer to the nucleus and weakest as we reach the outermost sphere.
From this model, we see that chemical properties are governed by how much electrons an atom is ready to lose from its outermost shell in which the energy is the lowest. It is the electrons in the outermost shell or valence shell that determines how atoms would behave chemically.
See explaination
CBR (Cosmic Background Radiation)-
Uniform energy that is heard everywhere in the universe. It supports the Big Bang Theory because we can assume that it also started in the same place.
Hubble's Law-
Hubble's Law states that the planets are getting farther away from eachother, therefore, the universe is expanding and must have started as a smaller piece.
I'm curious on what it is but I wish I could help