A seizure can be a sign of A. heart attack.
Seizures are changes in the brain's electrical activity that may lead to heart problems.
Poisoning, choking, and third-degree burns have nothing to do with seizures.
b. Min-Jee is an adult.
Age-related hassles and stress coping is evident in adults as compared to children, adolescents and elderly. the ability of emotion-regulation is more pronounced in adults who are young or middle-aged. The individual difference in stress-coping and uplifting oneself is dependent upon the environment in which the adult is living. Min-Jee is an adult who is concerned about the environment in which she is living and taking therapy to built emotional control and deal with these hassles.
B. Low-effort Syndrome
Low-effort syndrome is <u>characterized by a refusal to put an effort or work hard to achieve something.</u> People with this syndrome have unusually low levels of motivation, not only on intelligence tests, but in tests overall because they are afraid of the results, which would probably be low due to the lack of effort.
In turn, these <u>people often state that tests are unimportant for life and claim to have a desire of having an 'easy' life</u>. However, all of this is a consequence of their fear of failure.
Answer – B. (Caused by eating irregularly over short periods)
Disordered eating is a mental disorder characterized by irregular eating habits that has a negative effect on a person's physical or mental health, It usually occurs as a result of severe distress or anxiety about body weight or shape.