B.Birth control pills must be taken on a daily basis, while birth control shots do not.
True because you eat with your teeth which process food into the stomach
total net force= 47 N.
the motion of the couch will be towards Becky's friend.
the net force is obtained when the two forces are added.
the motion will be towards Becky's friend bcoz she's applying more force than Becky
Their are 50 words: a, am, and, anywhere, are, be, boat, box, car, could, dark, do, eat, eggs, fox, goat, good, green, ham, here, house, I, if, in, let, like, may, me, mouse, not, on, or, rain, Sam, say, see, so, thank, that, the, them, there, they, train, tree, try, will, with, would, you.