Here's the conversion factor you need:
1 Kilometer = 39370 inches
So, for your question we want to go 405,696 km....
405696 km x 39370 inches/ 1 km = 15972283464 inches
15972283464 inches x 2.54 x10^8 atoms/1 inch = 4.05 x 10^18 atoms
Transition Metals
The elements in groups 3-12 are called Transition Metals. These groups contain metals that usually form multiple cations. All other groups on the table (1, 2, 13-18) are called Main Group Elements.
Al is 1.
As for NO3,it is one entity, an the whole thing is being multiplied by 3. Use the distributive property from math.
N is 3.
And O is 9.
In total, there are 13 atoms.
-A molecule is the smallesr part is compound whereas a compound is the combination of two or more atoms in a fixed proportion by wiehgt.
- A glass of water is an example of compound but a small portion of water can be called molecule.